The Ashland Historical Museum
This was the website for the Ashland Historical Society Museum for a number of years, starting in 2004 when the museum was still located at 509 West Main Street in Ashland, WI. The content below is from the site's archived pages.
If you are a history buff, this is just the type of small town historical society museum that gives you a glimpse into the everyday lives of the peoples of Ashland WI. I love searching out the history of small towns in the US. Recently I was sent to Duluth WI. to speak with a client regarding the work being done by their new SEO service, the notable NYC search performance shop run by Bob Sakayama, TNG/Earthling, Inc.. I felt completely out of my league trying to assess their work, but it turned out to be fantastic learning experience for me. Working with a super competent contractor makes everyone's life easy and I really appreciate some of the insights just looking at TNG/E's work allowed me. My client understood exactly where I was coming from and since their ranks had already started climbing, the pressure was off and I really did not need to run any interventions. I wound up business in a couple of days and then took a trip to the port city of Ashland on the shores of Lake Superior. I spent the afternoon at the museum and even checked out their Gift Shop which featured interesting gifts for an especially nice remembrance of Ashland: Mural Walk tiles and note cards, tee shirts, the year I went, an Ashland calendar, recalling “Ashland’s History, One Day at a Time;” as well as books by area authors. There were even DVD slide shows and home movies: “Ashland Lake Scenes,” “Glimpses of Ashland’s Past,” and “Reflections of 2nd Street,” with then and now photos. All fascination. I brought back an Ashland calendar that recalled “Ashland’s History, One Day at a Time” for my client as a thank you for turning me on to their amazing new SEOs.
If you just happen upon this site, enjoy your nostalgic look back to when this was the Ashland Museum's Historical Society's website.
The museum's current location is below. Its current website is at​
216 Main Street West
Ashland, WI 54806
Open Monday - Friday 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Open Saturday (from June through Whistle Stop weekend, mid-October) from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Welcome to Ashland Museum Web Site!
Circa 2003
2003 Museum Hours
Winter hours - Monday thru Friday- 10 to 2 or by appointment
Summer Hours- Monday thru Friday- 10 to 4, Saturday 10 to 2 or by appointment
2003 Museum Fees: Price of admission for non-members
$3.00 - per adult
$2.50 - senior citizen 62 and up
$1.00 - per child
Circa 2006
No Admission Fee - Donations Welcome
Museum Hours:
Monday thru Friday- 10 to 4
Other hours by appointment
Circa 2007
Ashland 2007 Calendars Available
The 2007 calendar produced by the Ashland Historical Society, Museum volunteers, and Museum Curator Sharon Manthei is now available. This year’s calendar features the history of Ashland one day at a time for 365 days.
History begins with 1854 and goes through the present with photos, old time ads, and fun facts and quips. This calendar is truly a collectible and will surely be as entertaining as past calendars. Hurry to the Ashland Historical Society Museum at 509 W. Main Street to purchase a calendar before the supplies run out. The gift shop also has for sale the collectible ornament
featuring the Ashland Band Shell.
Fund Drive
Fund Drive: The annual fund drive has begun. The committee is asking for your help to ensure that the Museum/Society continues to meet your expectations in preserving artifacts, displaying exhibits & reaching the community in awareness of our rich & colorful history. You may use the donation form provided.
Mission Statement:
The Ashland Historical Society, A non-profit volunteer organization promotes the appreciation and pride of community through a visual connection to the past by collecting and preserving memorabilia and artifacts, stories and traditions and by functioning as an educational resource. The Ashland Museum in Ashland Wisconsin is the repository for all historical memorabilia and artifacts collected by the Ashland Historical Society./h3>
Sorry there were no archived images to post with these descriptions.
Ashland’s Beginnings
By Sharon Manthei
Ashland, Wisconsin is located at the head of Chequamegon Bay of Lake Superior. When the Chippewa people came to this area, about the time when Columbus discovered America, they named it Szah-guh-wah-mih-koong, which was later translated as Chequamegon. By breaking down the syllables, translators of the Chippewa tongue say that the word means the “region of shallow water” or “shoal water”. Anyone who has been on Chequamegon Bay knows that description aptly applies to Chequamegon Bay. The Chippewa people lived in the Chequamegon Area only about 120 years, and then moved to the “Soo”. While at the Soo, the Chippewa people often returned for the great hunting and fishing at what they regarded as their Chequamegon Resort. It wasn’t until about 1690 the Chippewa returned to Chequamegon permanently.
The first white men to arrive on Chequamegon Bay were voyagers and missionaries. The French fur traders Radisson and Groseilliers were the first recorded white men to visit the area. They set up a camp at the head of the bay between the mouths of Fish Creek and Whittlesey Creek. They spent the winter of 1659-1660 exploring the area and trapping beaver for their prime pelts. At this time in history; the bay was encircled by several nations of Indians, which included Hurons, three branches of Ottawas, Ousakis or Sauks, Outagamies or Fox and Illinois. Radisson and Groseilliers camp was between the Hurons and an Ottawas camps. A Brownstone marker was erected at the site in 1929. Because of Highway reconstruction, this marker has been moved to Maslowski Bathing Beach closer to Ashland.
When priest-explorer, Allouez, arrived at Chequamegon with a half dozen other Frenchmen in 1665, they found the Indian nations still in the area. With 4,000 Indians of seven nationalities, Allouez established the mission of the Holy Ghost between two of the larger villages, very near where Radisson and Groseilliers camp had been. Father Marquette followed closely behind Allouez, arriving in 1669 and continuing the Mission of the Holy Ghost. He remained here for two years until the Sioux forced everyone out of the area.
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A Short History of the Ashland Museum
The existence of the Ashland Museum was first noted in 1909 with a letter written by the director of the Historical Museum of the city of Ashland. It was located in the Ashland High School building on Ellis Avenue between tenth and eleventh streets. The letter states that they had valuable donations of historical and archeological material from Beloit College, the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Milwaukee Museum.
The next evidence of efforts in preserving Ashland’s history came from the minutes of the Old Settler’s Club of Ashland, organized in 1924. They were diligent in staging picnics and gatherings where old stories could be told and re-told. They also worked to document the events of early Ashland. In 1925 their meetings were held in the community room of the First National Bank.
In 1954, Miss Cora Angvick put together a historical display in their furniture store in connection with the Centennial of the founding of Ashland. She gathered old photographs, and artifacts to create an exhibit in Anvick's old storefront. When the celebration was over, the exhibit was moved to the new store’s basement to be enjoyed by all who dropped by.
In about 1962, the Museum was moved to the Vaughn Library building, under the advisement of Dr. John Kreher. This proved to be a wise move when the Angvick’s Store burned to the ground in June of 1967. The Museum was housed at the library until the 1980’s, when the Vaughn Library was remodeled. Following the remodeling at the library, the Museum was housed on the second floor until 1993.
The next home for the Ashland Museum was the Wilmarth Mansion at 523 Chapple Avenue. This spacious home with its beautiful woodwork was a wonderful setting for the Museum until problems with the roof and leakage damage caused the Historical Society to once again search out an appropriate and affordable home for its vast collections.
In February of 2000, the Ashland Museum moved to its present spot at 509 West Main Street, housed in the historic business section of Ashland. Due to space restraints, not all the collections are out at one time, but displays are rotated to provide interest throughout the year.
King’s Official Route Guide
By Sharon Manthei
Today, when planning a trip, we might go to a Travel Agent, check with AAA or surf the internet for the best way to find or travel to our destination. Back in the early days of motor cars, motorists could purchase King‘s Official Route Guide to plan their trip. This interesting book, written for the motorist (the Ashland Museums copy is from 1917) traveling throughout Wisconsin, NE Illinois & Eastern Minnesota, guides you mile by tenths of a mile from city to city noting the types of pavement, R. R. crossings, bridges and buildings, businesses, places of interest, dangerous curves and intersections, crossroads and grades of hills along the way.
.0 Leave the Court House on right on West Second St following trolley on asphalt pavement, to 4 corners (immediately passing Post Office on right), (Public Park on near right corner).
.3 Turn left with one branch of trolley on Seventh Ave. (asphalt pavement), to 4 corners.
.4 Turn right on Third St. (leaving trolley).
.5 Pass fire engine house on left.
1.0 Cross R. R.
1.2 Cross R. R. switch, straight ahead, through cross roads, cross trolley.
1.4 Shortly bear right with road, down easy grade, towards Chequamegon Bay.
This description of the “Kings” recommended route from Ashland to Bayfield continues bringing you along the Bay Front, passing the road to Iron River, to Nash station, Barksdale, Washburn, Sioux River, Chequamegon Springs, Pikes Bay and Quarry, passing the road to Cornucopia, Salmo, Pikes Creek, State Fish Hatchery and into Bayfield.
It is interesting to note that the trip from Ashland to Bayfield begins and ends at the County Court House, yet the trip from Ashland to Mellen begins at the County Courthouse and the return trip brings you either to the County Courthouse or to the Ashland Garage. Maybe the trip to Mellen and back was harder on the motor car and maintenance was required. The Ashland Garage even had an advertisement on the page.
Note that in 1917, the County Court House was just two years old and is the Court House that still stands today on Main Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues West, and the Post Office was located at 601 West Main Street, which is now the Ashland City Hall. The Ashland Garage stood on the corner of 2nd Avenue East and Main Street, which is now a part of Zifko Tire and Battery Supply.